MBA Specializations
There are approx 50 MBA specializations being taught in India by top MBA colleges .These MBA Specializations are the fate deciders of the MBA Students as the students have to choose MBA Specializations as per their choice,interest in the final year of the management progamme.These MBA Specializations are mostly chosen by the MBA students are per the field they want to make their career.With the better jobs offering , better profiles & Packages immediately after successful completion of the Management Course in their Chosen MBA Specializations.
Most common MBA Specializations being choosen by MBA students with their Area of interests are Marketing,Human Resources,Finance,International Business,Operations and information Technology.
Now a days Health care & Hospitality Management are the most demanded choice of specializations among Science Graduates.Many Doctors(MBBS,BDS) and other science graduates persuing MBA prefer Health care & Hospitality Management as their choice for Getting Management Profile jobs in Hospitals and Nursing Homes .
Among the Normal graduates i.e Commerce & Arts Service Management is the most demanded Choice of specialization as Service Management enables you to manage various managerial job profile in the service non manufacturing sector of the corporates.Even Service Management some times halps in fetching Commerce students a good banking jobs too.
2)Human Resources
4)International Business
5)Retail Management
6)Health care & Hospitality Management
7)Telecom Management
8)Pharma Management
10)Operational Management
11)Information Technology
12)Fire safety & Security management
13)Travel & Tourism
14)Event Management
15)Network & Data Management
16)Textile Management
17)Actuarial Sciences
18)Insurance & Risk Management
19)Service Management
20)Rural & Urban Management
21)Communication & Media management
22)Public system management
24)Development Studies
25)Consultancy Management
26)Media management
27)Sports management
28)Fashion Management
29)Systems management
30)Construction Management
31)Hotel Management
32)Project management
34)Non profit and Government
37)Real Estate
38)Hospitality & Tourism
39)Criminal Justice
40)Public Relations
41)Oil & Gas Management
42)Energy Trading
43)Power Management
44)Infrastructure Management
45)Logistics & Supply Chain Management
46)Port & Shipping Management
47)Business Analytics
48)Health care Management
49)Organization Behaviour
50)Communication Management
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